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Archive - April 2019


Santiago: red red wine

Santiago Blue blue Monday So we arrived in Santiago on a flight from Auckland, New Zealand.  It was the only way.  And it hurt.  You may remember in an earlier blog I talked about the World Traveller Life: Monday morning, well get this! We left on Monday evening, flew for 11 hours and arrived – on Monday afternoon. Whaaaat! We did Monday twice.  It messed with...

Lake Wanaka

Why every outdoor photographer should go to the islands of New Zealand

Pack your bags for the Islands of New Zealand If you are serious about your landscape photography then sometimes you have to go to where the best compositions can be found.  Some people think Iceland is the best.  Some think my homeland of Scotland is up there with the best.  Others believe that China and Southeast Asia are Mecca’s for landscape photographers...

Fiji paradise

Paradise Lost – or Found: The Fiji Story

Paradise found? In search of Paradise in Fiji.  So, I’ve always tended to overthink things.  Take when I was about eight years old. I saw an article that said: “This is Paradise”.  Well.  I was just amazed.  Paradise EXISTS?  Whaaat! I thought it was only in my storybooks.  But no.  Here it was in the Sunday paper.  This is Paradise, it said so, and...