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Tag - botswana

Good Morning Botswana

Mokolodi Nature Reserve: Botswana

First stop in Botswana So after visiting friends in Soweto our first stop was to pick up Savanna-the-Vanna from Bushtrackers in South Africa  and set off to Mokolodi Nature Reserve in Botswana. This is a lovely camp spot.  First you arrive to a main area with pool, restaurant and bar.  Then drive off into the wilderness when you are ready to set up camp.  Just you...

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Botswana

Khama Rhino Sanctuary: Botswana

Our second stop in Botswana was about a 4 hour, relatively easy, drive from Mokolodi Nature Reserve: Botswana to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary.  Another lovely spot – although we didn’t see any rhinos!
Perhaps it would have been better to take one of their drives with a guide instead of self-driving.
Nevertheless a great experience.
Beautiful Botswana !