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Tag - Savanna-the-Vanna

lion ladder climbing

Lion conundrum: Do they like to climb ladders?

Will a lion eat me? As we prepared to set off for our camping adventure in Botswana from South Africa, I returned to thinking of the question that kept me awake an entire night back home in London. Would a lion eat me? Firstly, I worked through the logistics of this scenario, step by step, in my mind. Okay, so first, get in the tent on top of the van, yes...

Good Morning Botswana

Mokolodi Nature Reserve: Botswana

First stop in Botswana So after visiting friends in Soweto our first stop was to pick up Savanna-the-Vanna from Bushtrackers in South Africa  and set off to Mokolodi Nature Reserve in Botswana. This is a lovely camp spot.  First you arrive to a main area with pool, restaurant and bar.  Then drive off into the wilderness when you are ready to set up camp.  Just you...

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Botswana

Khama Rhino Sanctuary: Botswana

Our second stop in Botswana was about a 4 hour, relatively easy, drive from Mokolodi Nature Reserve: Botswana to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary.  Another lovely spot – although we didn’t see any rhinos!
Perhaps it would have been better to take one of their drives with a guide instead of self-driving.
Nevertheless a great experience.
Beautiful Botswana !