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Kenya Tsavo

Kenya abandoned. All was not well in the safari camp

Kenya: we arrived excitedly… Kenya, all was not well in the safari camp. Really not. So, having arrived in Nairobi full of excitement for the month ahead in East Africa to visit Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Zanzibar… we found ourselves stranded in Nairobi airport by our local Kenyan travel company. First, you wait. Then you wonder. Then you realize...

India: rural Rajasthan market

Come and see incredible India

India: take a look Rural Rajasthan is a riot of colour and noise. A full-on blast of your senses. Wonderfully, mentally exhausting, as your brain juggles to keep it all in. A complete contrast to New Delhi, Agra Taj Mahal: Take a walk through the monument of love or the slums of Dharavi. You can read about that here Dharavi Mumbai visit: the Slumdog...

New Zealand

How to budget for your adventure around the world

World Travel Planning: How much is this adventure going to cost us? … And where are we going to get the money? When budget planning for an around the world trip, the big question is how much will it all cost? Initially, working out a budget was the most challenging part of the planning. Bearing in mind, as described in our About Us page, this is Generation X...

lion ladder climbing

Lion conundrum: Do they like to climb ladders?

Will a lion eat me? As we prepared to set off for our camping adventure in Botswana from South Africa, I returned to thinking of the question that kept me awake an entire night back home in London. Would a lion eat me? Firstly, I worked through the logistics of this scenario, step by step, in my mind. Okay, so first, get in the tent on top of the van, yes...

Namib desert morning

Deadvlei – It’s all about timing

The Dilemma Landscape photographers and travellers all over the world  have probably seen an image taken from Deadvlei.  Most without knowing where on earth it is.  Well, it’s in Namibia.  Stuck 60km from the closest campsite or lodge, down a road going into the desert .  It’s so much of an iconic site people come from all over the world just to visit it...


Life on the road: half way round the world!

Life on the road: how far we have we come So, as we say adieu to yet another country, I’m thinking back on the first six months of our journey. And wow, what a trip. I guess the unexpected events like – night squid fishing on Halong Bay in Vietnam.  Attending an opium ceremony in India and trying to imagine how these elders ever sort any of the village’s...

Travel the world elephants

Why you shouldn’t wait to travel around the world

Travelling around the world for a year Enlightenment? When you tell people you are travelling around the world for a year, reactions range from a “bloody fantastic”, to a “wow, a year – no one actually does that” kind of stunned silence.  I think, perhaps, it comes from where you are in your own life. Generally, as you get into the...