One life: out of the known and into the unknown

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One Life: No pan stand required

The day approached to pack up to leave on our world adventure. My mind wandered, as it often does, to the life I was leaving behind and the experience that awaited ahead. I realised it was, of course, the same life. The only change was how I was choosing to live it.

Life: no pan stand requiredI looked at my neat row of pans, hanging orderly, purposely placed trivet beneath the stand. I had owned these pans for over 20 years (Le Creuset, a wise investment ha) and each day of their lives, they hung in this precise fashion trivet underneath. I wondered, had my life been just as orderly?

Out of the known and into the unknown

Did my pans reflect my life, my conformity to society? Bound to follow the rules. Okay, I had already adapted a lot of the rules, but I was still there, inside the bubble, pushing and bending at the walls of the reality I was living in.

Everything appeared uniform. Perfect lines and right angles, meticulously measured circles of lights and knobs and switches. Now, though, I would enter the world of twisted trees and dis-order to live under canvas in the wilderness with animals and nature. Stripping back everything we have been told we need to live.

I don’t fear leaving this version of life behind. I fear the people of my new adventure might reject me. I want to meet people, experience their lives, but will they want to meet me? I can’t hide behind my Master’s degree or my successful career; those parts of me will stay here. Who will I be in this new phase of my life? Who might I discover I am, without the societal norms and rules to guide my thoughts and movements? Where the sun will replace the clock and days of the week become redundant. Where hanging pans are no longer required. How am I going to live my one life?

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