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Australia trip south

Western Australia: welcome to the Bottle-O and beautiful beaches

Western Australia: Skipping Singapore to fly to Perth Ah, Western Australia. Western Australia wasn’t initially on our travel plans when we set off from the UK. The plan was to go to Singapore and fly to Sydney from there. However, fellow travellers in Malaysia urged us to visit Western Australia. Intrigued, we changed our plans. skipped Singapore, and flew directly...

sound of silence

Reverse culture shock: when you return home to the sound of silence

Reverse culture shock – Hello darkness my old friend Reverse culture shock. I’d heard about it. When you arrive home, and to your eyes, everything is as it was. But to your heart, it’s all so different. Well, it’s 6 a.m., and I’ve been ‘home’ for just under two weeks, and I’m just tired. I have slept little since being home. I have done nothing very productive...

One life: out of the known and into the unknown

One Life: No pan stand required The day approached to pack up to leave on our world adventure. My mind wandered, as it often does, to the life I was leaving behind and the experience that awaited ahead. I realised it was, of course, the same life. The only change was how I was choosing to live it. I looked at my neat row of pans, hanging orderly, purposely placed...

New Zealand

How to budget for your adventure around the world

World Travel Planning: How much is this adventure going to cost us? … And where are we going to get the money? When budget planning for an around the world trip, the big question is how much will it all cost? Initially, working out a budget was the most challenging part of the planning. Bearing in mind, as described in our About Us page, this is Generation X...

lion ladder climbing

Lion conundrum: Do they like to climb ladders?

Will a lion eat me? As we prepared to set off for our camping adventure in Botswana from South Africa, I returned to thinking of the question that kept me awake an entire night back home in London. Would a lion eat me? Firstly, I worked through the logistics of this scenario, step by step, in my mind. Okay, so first, get in the tent on top of the van, yes...

Botswana sun

African Sky: Who keeps turning the lights out at half past six in Botswana?

Lights go out: cold comes in African sky, Botswana, picture it, there you are, absorbed in the piercing red glow of the setting sun spilling across the sandy landscape.  Sipping your sundowner by the flickering fire.  Resting after the day of equally mixed awe, wonderment, humbling moments and old married couple bickering when suddenly, boom, lights out, heat off; if...